Find out the latest industry news from PhD requirements, the top programs around the world, to PhD level study tips.


Advantages and disadvantages of enrolling for a PhD in 2024/2025

A PhD is not just an ordinary degree. It is one of the highest academic achievements students can earn all over the world. Getting a PhD can help students gain a better understanding of a subject and develop exceptional skills while contributing new research to their field. It is also considered a valuable asset that…

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Top 5 Most Attractive Countries for PhD Students to Pursue Your PhD

Education is highly regarded in the modern world. PhD students typically spend three to five years studying a doctoral program and will typically live in the country of education. Therefore, when looking for PhD programs to apply to, a PhD student will be interested in a safe and comfortable place for their studies. Many countries…

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Tips and tactics for writing a PhD in Economics

PhD thesis writing means that an individual has to conduct their own research in a particular field and contribute to the existing knowledge. Thesis writing in Economics stipulates independent thorough research based on underlying theories, employing an appropriate methodology and using figures and reliable data. Ideally, a researcher does not use PhD writing services but…

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student preparing for PhD admissions with laptop and notebook

A Definitive Guide to PhD Admissions

A PhD project can be considered one of the ‘milestone’ decisions in life and starting the PhD admissions process can be a daunting task. It is largely similar to buying an apartment or selecting a job you can’t change for the following 3-8 years and you must deal with the same boss for the entirety.…

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student writing their PhD thesis introduction on laptop

How to Write an Effective and Successful PhD Thesis Introduction

Like the cherry on the cake, PhD thesis writing is the crowning achievement of your research. While a PhD thesis summarises and presents the results of your long-term investigating efforts, an introduction is a showcase of your thesis. The first thing a reader will look into is the introduction so that they can understand what…

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student getting phd research help for phd science

Biology vs Chemistry: Your Guide to Choosing PhD Science Majors

Biology and chemistry are two of the most common scientific fields that attract a large number of students for doctoral studies. Regardless of being classified as science fields, both biology PhD and chemistry PhD have distinct features that separate them from each other. While biology belongs to life science, chemistry comes under physical science. Students…

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blank to do list for PhD students to fill out

Checklist for Choosing a Suitable PhD Topic

Finding a suitable research topic is the first step of your PhD journey. It defines your choice of university programmes and may directly inform the willingness of top-level supervisors to work with you on your project. While many students think that this element may be revised slightly over the course of your programme, this approach…

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PhD Thesis Proposal Checklist

Research proposals are frequently classified as an ‘occluded’ genre of academic writing due to a number of reasons. On the one hand, they have a crucial role in the success or failure of your PhD projects. The inability to outline a realistic and interesting research direction and proposed objectives leads to declined offers and the…

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phd students around a table writing notes

Building Your Network: Why Community Matters in Graduate School

Many experts are endlessly praising the benefits of ‘networking’ and include it in various ‘top 5’ lists of the most significant soft skills for graduate students. Unfortunately, their recommendations rarely answer the ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions and are entirely focused on the ‘what’ part covering the advantages realised by this strategy. In this article, we…

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fous lights blurred out to remind phd students to focus

How to Stay Motivated During Your PhD Programme

Motivation is a tricky thing. Even if you are committed to your goals, it can be acting as a roller coaster at times due to accumulating stress or losing faith in the result. With PhD thesis writing, such terms as ‘second-year blues’ as well as statistics of academic dropouts and mental health issues strongly suggest…

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female student looking a phd thesis printed out

All of the Secrets to Succeeding in Your PhD

A PhD is a huge academic or professional undertaking and can be emotionally, mentally, and physically taxing. Succeeding and achieving your PhD can also be a massive worry for PhD students but these PhD secrets and hacks can be a great help and way to overcome this stress. We’ve got all the secrets to succeeding…

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phd chemistry student using magifying glass on file

Career Opportunities for PhD Graduates: Exploring Paths Beyond Academia

As the world is suffering from the consequences of the global pandemic and increasing political tensions, many PhD graduates feel an increasing fear for their future. New state grants and subsidies become closely linked with a narrow range of ‘strategically significant’ areas for national independence. Multiple studies are showing clear PhD oversupply problems where 3+…

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